Please give to the legal project today. Help us change someone’s tomorrow.
Your donation will help to ensure that people around the Capital Region who have nowhere else to turn will always have The Legal Project.
We help people who are victims of domestic violence, people who are facing foreclosure, immigrants who are new to our communities, victims of human trafficking, small business owners and so many others receive the civil legal services they need to change their lives. The demand for our services grows every day.
We envision a world where all people have access to justice and equal protection under the law, and we work every day to help provide that access and those protections. We feel a special commitment to people who have traditionally had difficulty obtaining legal assistance, including the working poor, women, immigrants and the LGBTQ community.
Your tax-deductible donation can help make the difference in someone’s life. We accept Visa, Master Card or American Express and you can make your donation online, securely and easily. Please consider making your gift today.
Thank you for donating to The Legal Project. To make your donation by check, please mail to: The Legal Project, 24 Aviation Road, Suite 101, Albany, NY 12205.
Your gift, your choice. “Ways to Give” makes it clear.
Not sure what donation to make? Our “Ways to Give” sheet can help you choose just the right contribution.